The Henna Guys | Henna & Common Hair Problems

Mother Nature has blessed human kind with so many things. For all your problems, if you look around there are ready solutions. Hair problems are no exception to this. The henna guys have wide range of products that are not only good for coloring your hair giving it a hint of rust or brown color but for promoting overall hair health.

Let this post help you in understanding how henna can help you in every kind of hair problem. However discussing all of them here will not be possible and therefore the commonest of all have been listed here.

For hair growth- There are so many people who love to have long hair but fail to see any growth even after years. Prepare an easy combination at home by mixing henna powder and mustard oil. Bring 250 ml mustard oil to boil. Add few henna leaves and continue it to boil. Sieve it and store it after cooling. Use this oil and massage your scalp and hair 2-3 times a week.

For deep conditioning- Absolutely gorgeous hair is what every girl deserves. You can easily achieve such mane with a henna paste. For this make a regular tea decoction and after cooling it mix enough henna powder till a thick paste of formed. Add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of curd. Apply this paste on your scalp and hair for one hour. Follow it with a mild shampoo rinse.

For treating dandruff- Using henna for dandruff is sure shot solution for its ailment. It does not only cure dandruff but it prevents it from coming back. Soak fenugreek seeds in water and after soaking it overnight grind it the next morning. To this grounded paste add henna and mustard oil. Apply this paste on your scalp and hair and leave it for 30-40 minutes. Rinse it off with regular shampoo and condition them.

If you want to use it for coloring don’t use it alone but add one or two eggs. If you don’t like eggs then you can make the henna paste with regular tea solution for great results. 


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